Yoshitaka Amano worked on the Final Fantasy serie from the early beginning. This video game, released on Nes (Nintendo Entertainment System) insdfsd...
The next installment of the serie is released one year later, once again on Nes. In this second game, the scenario is more developped and somesdfsd...
Released in 1990, this game will be the last one on Nes. Once again, some new improvements and familiar faces like Moogles and Chocobos are firstsdfsd...
First small revolution in 1991, here is the first Final Fantasy playable on Super Nes, Nintendo's 16bits system. It's a new system, but Amanosdfsd...
In 1992 is released the fifth installment of Final Fantasy Saga. Unfortunatly, the game will not benefit from an international release at the timesdfsd...
In 1994 is released the RPG which was surely like a revelation to a lot of RPGamers. Yoshitaka Amano has to deliver an important work as there issdfsd...
Final Fantasy VI has seen the end of the collaboration between Squaresoft and Nintendo, as the seventh game is released on Sony's System, thesdfsd...
Released in 1998, this Final Fantasy is one of the less appreciated. Once again, Nomura realises the design and Amano some illustrations.
In 2001, a new change as the saga makes its firt steps on Sony's Playstation 2. Even if Nomura is back to the design, Amano is still in charge ofsdfsd...
For the first time in more thant 15 years of history, a Final Fantasy is a direct sequel to another one. One again, Yoshitaka Amano realised somesdfsd...
For the first time, Square-Enix produce a MMORPG with the 11th episode in the Final Fantasy Serie. Once again, Amano realised some beautifulsdfsd...
The first episode of this Tactical-RPG serie was published in 1995 on Super NES. Only the characters' design of this episode (out of 8) wassdfsd...
Published in 1998 by Atlus on PlayStation, Kartia is a Tactical-RPG which was almost not seen at that time but the design was realised bysdfsd...
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